Celia Smoot

CELIA SMOOT, director
Ms. Smoot has nearly 20 years of experience in the affordable housing with an expertise focus in finance and regulatory compliance. She is currently a Vice President at National Affordable Housing Trust focused on various duties including providing technical support to nonprofit organizations and managing Y15 dispositions.
Previously, she served as Director of LISC Housing and managed a national team setting housing strategy and policy as well as structuring, raising capital and managing housing funds. An attorney, she has a strong background in affordable housing and community development real estate finance. She provides technical assistance to nonprofit entities managing and operating subsidized affordable multifamily housing. Ms. Smoot has a real estate financing background, specializing in affordable housing and community development projects. Prior to joining LISC, she was an attorney with HUD, with Hessel, Aluise, and Neun, P.C., a private national law firm with an affordable housing focus, and with Kutak Rock, LLP, in their tax credit practice group.
She received a J.D. from George Washington University and a B.A. from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.